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Advertising fee in a sentence

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Sentence count:11Posted:2021-05-23Updated:2021-05-23
Similar words: advertisingadvertising copyadvertising budgetadvertising agentadvertising mediaoutdoor advertisingadvertising agencyadvertising expense
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1. Besides, it's also important to consider advertising fee.
2. Upon receiving full amount of advertising fee, the advertisement can be released.
3. When the advertising fee costs more than 500,000 Yuan, Phoenix Weekly could provide a free advertising design for you.
4. A week Before publication, pays the advertising fee in advance, please.
5. The franchisee may also pay an advertising fee to contribute to the franchisor 's annual advertising and marketing costs. The franchisee also has to find the necessary capital to open the business.
6. The chain may have to pay a registration fee to these associated clubs as an incentive for referrals or an advertising fee in club newsletters and magazines.
7. Surcharge: Any specific position request will be charged 15% of the advertising fee.
7. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
8. This paper analyses the defect of the current accounting treatment of advertising fee, and puts forward a new method.
9. Simultaneously, the withholding tax agent is allowed to deduct the publication fee and donation as according to the calculation method of advertising fee.
10. By means of Panel Co-integration Test, this article analyzes the relationship between advertising fee and sales with the sample data from 2002 to 2006.
11. Surcharge: Any specific position request will be charged 20% of advertising fee.
More similar words: advertisingadvertising copyadvertising budgetadvertising agentadvertising mediaoutdoor advertisingadvertising agencyadvertising expenseadvertising manageradvertising campaigncommercial advertisingdirect mail advertisingadvertising departmentadvertiseadvertisedadvertiseradvertise foradvertisementadvertizinglicensing feesinking feelingclassified advertisementclassified advertisementsretaining feeadvertadvertentadvertenceanimadvertadvertorialinadvertent
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